Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Fuchur- the nice hairy white flying dragon
See? Don't you see the resembance between Merlin's show and this big fuzzy thing already? It is just the sort of thing that they would put in that movie.
This is from the movie: The Neverending Story.

Boys and Stuff Like That

Today I noticed some of the guys looking my way at school which is kind of cool and awesome! :) I still haven't quite figured out if I like Haz or not although he is starting to grow on me. It is just so sweet the way he acted today and I didn't feel that much pressure when I was around him today which is always a good sign. But then again there's Shaft, who by the way is kind of annoying and disappointing sometimes. He seemed sort of depressed and maybe lonely today, but I found it kind of funny the way he was looking at me sometimes whenever I looked to him. It was kind of strange a little the way he talks. It is just really funny what topics he decides to bring up which brings me to another topic. Today on Merlin there is something really funny going on on that show. I love that show because it is so cheesy and overly dramatic as to make it worth watching. Mickle, my brother, told me that at the end of some show there is a guy who says: "I wish I could travel to the valley of the dead or something like that, and see what Merlin thinks" and then a pig pops up on sceen and goes: "you can..." So somehow, in some turn of events the guy gets saved by a pig and wahtnot. If you didn't find it that funny, that's because I didn't explain it properly. If you know Merlin, the show, then you know what I'm talking about. Very funny show. It reminds me oddly again of this movie I saw in middle school of Spanish class. Of course it was supposed to be watched in Spanish, but we couldn't get the TV working and instead just watched it in English with French subtitles. It had to do with a boy who loves reading to himself and goes into this storybook to save the kingdom and meets this slimy dragon, which is supposed to be a dragon, but ends up actually looking like a slimy lizard/dog. I will try to post a picture for you of what I mean it is actually a very good movie because like Merlin it is so corney and ridiculus that you cannot help watching it.
But you know, Kara "must confess that she is not in love with [Haz] she had thought thought of him except at the reference that Harriot made of him yesturday: ~Emma

Monday, April 26, 2010


This is what Henna looks like from Strong Ravens High.

Imaginery Names

I would like to say that when I refer to people on here from Strong Ravens High. I will probably just mention their imginery character's name even if you have no clue who I am talking about. I am just saying that I might do that quite frequently just so you know ahead of time.

Edit Problems

My apologies there really should have been more editing done to that last post, but I cannot get my computer to post and edit and post again. So I'm leaving it at that. Whoo! I am still new at this. :)

Serendipity and The Strong Ravens

Last night I watched Serendipity another great romance movie. And yes I am going to talk about all the classic romance movies of the century. I had forgotten how slowly it seemed to start off and how suddenly they burst into the romance bit. I love how it is done though, but of course I do because I love all romance movies. Oddly it reminds me of French Kiss and all those movies especially of course Sleepless In Seattle. But duh because those two movies both take place in New York where they have to venture to a certain special spot and they both involve a guy with cute black hair no wonder its a good movie and a cute short haired girl. Eh. And both the girls have a special obsession. Okay, yeah, I won't spend all my time telling you what you already know. I think that the really cool part is the scene where the dude who works at the overpriced suit store starts obsessing about John Cusack crossing over the line to the other side of the counter. Do you remember that part? Well, anyway, I think that Kate Beckinsale does a super job of pulling off that English accent.
I feel like since my title is movies, music, and all that jazz I am supposed to be talking about movies, but I want to take a little detour to talk about my new project which is going to be called; The Lives Of The Strong Ravens.

In this project I will be talking about my imaginary book, The Lives Of The Strong Ravens. Yes, I realize that that is a very unusual book title, but what the hay.
I have decided that in this book there will be quite a few main characters whose stories might be hard to follow because there might be so many of them. If you understand me at this point so far I applaud you. Anyway so there will be one main character in particular who tells the story, Kara, but I probably won't bother putting Kara into third person, but then again I'm not sure maybe I will sometimes. That characters' name will be Kara and that will actually be me telling you all about what is happening In The Lives Of The Strong Ravens. I may remind you that this is an imaginary story. Quite imaginary and nothing in here is to get your hopes up.
I will also have another character whose name is Shaft, he will be the one who Kara liked in middle school, but is now over and was too shy to ever go out with, but wasn't even sure she wanted to in the first place. He is in her Literary Analysis Class.
I will also have several other characters such as Haz who is a boy in Kara's Literary Class. He is the one who Kara always thought was cute, but had told herself it wasn't going to happen. She never really "liked" him though. Or at least maybe it is just that she can never figure out if she likes him or not.
I will also have another character named Henna who is a nice energetic girl who Kara has known since Elementary school. She loves music, reading, writing, and animals. She reminds me oddly of Kate Beckinsale and of Arowen from The Lord of the Rings . She is a very pretty girl with black hair like Arowen's of course. She is or was best friends with another girl named Sierra.
Sierra is also into animals and writing, but she loves drawing and art in general most of all.
Kara is taking four classes this semester: Happy History, Articulate Angles: Math Course, Sputtering Spanish, and Literary Classes. There are many other characters from these classes that I will talk about as I go along.
Kara I may add goes to Strong Ravens High.
Right now I have no clue what direction this story will be taking so you can just wait expectantly while I figure out what to write.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So I am one of the probably many people who have decided to start a blog because I was spending my weekends typing Glee songs in Google. I have been practicing the dances and singing the songs since about one o'clock last night. I have been getting really energized and enthused by my "acting skills" as I sing song after song while, of course watching all the vids. So yeah there you have it. The one song that I think I have been doing the most of is: "I say a little prayer for you" by Aretha Franklin. Maybe that is partly because there are so many ridiculous videos to follow it which is a lot of fun. But most importantly I love Dianna Agron and Glee.
In fact, my whole blogging business is going to be based around my project which is called, In The Lives Of The Strong Ravens. It is a fictional story that I made up that I will be posting a little bit of whatever I want to put into the story in my blog. Does that make sense?

I say a little prayer for you- Glee

First Post! :)

Before I start the incessant business of blogging. I would like to point out that this is "my first post"! I am so thrilled to be posting my first! Yay!:)
I watched The Graduate last night. That was the only movie that I would have stopped my Glee song/dance You Tube search for. Actually that's not entirely true. I would have probably stopped it for a lot of movies. Like my all time favorite movie in the entire planet: Pride and Prejudice: BBC Version. I love that movie! My favorite part would probably be when he (Mr. Darcy) tells her (Ms. Elizabeth Bennett) of his undying love for her. And when he tells her that even though she told him off earlier: "Lady Cathrine told me of her meeting with you. I must say that it had quite the opposite effect for what she intended. It taught me to hope as I've scarcely ever allowed myself to hope before. I knew that had you absolutely decided against me you would have acknowledged it openly". "Oh yes. You know enough of my frankness to believe me capable of that. After abusing you so abominably to your face. I could have no scruple of abusing you to all your relations". " But what did you say to me that I did not deserve? My behavior at the time was unpardonable. I can hardly think of it without abhorrence. Your reproof I shall never forget. 'Had you behaved in a more gentleman like manner' you know not how those words have tortured me". "I did not mean for them being taken in such a way". "I can easily believe it you thought me devoid of every proper feeling I'm sure you did". I think I can recite this whole movie by heart with a few flaws maybe here and there. Anyway I have watched it a hundred times or something like that.