Friday, May 7, 2010

Lyrics for Benny and the Jets

"Hey kids shake a loose a lemon -sompin-sompin-sompin-and a gonna change the river".
"Walrus sounds...She's got electric boobs. A mohair suit. You know you read it in a magazine oh oh. B-b-b Benny and the Jets".

27 Dresses

27 Dresses is a great movie. I will reminise of Katharine Heigel! She is a good actress who just lights up the screen you know. ;)
Favorite Quotes: "Me, I was eight when I discovered my purpose in life. I was at my cousins wedding". "Oh how very refreshing, a man who doesn't believe in marriage". "It's okay. We have cable"~Not necessarily from Katharine, from the posed "young Katharine" in the movie. "We are not going to hydroplane...Ah we're hydroplanieng". "And in the fridge there are strawberry Pop Tarts! jinx!"
The only disapointing part of that movie is the selfish sister.
Favorite Quotes:
"I know what you mean everytime I go hiking I have to bring my vegetarian beef-jurkey". or something like that.
Favorite Quotes:
"So you admit to me that believing in marriage is sort of like believing in Santa Clause".
"So now it's about making money".
Favorite part of that movie: "Benny and The Jets"~Elton John and right after Tess meets the one who she has been in love with all this time and she screams Mother **** during a 50th birthday or something like that.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

David Boreanaz Cheating?

So now I am going to comment about some other issue that totally doesn't matter like celebrity gossip. So I heard that David Boreanaz had possibly, but who can trust the paparazzi anyway, a fling with someone else and by a fling I mean was cheating. I think that number one the fact that he married a Playboy playmate Jamie Bergman anyway means that probably tons of people are seeing her body naked anyway and that that could be a cause for cheating and that number two the fact that he was cheating on Jamie with Rachel Utchitel shows that either he likes superficial girls or that he is lonley (usually the basis for cheating) or he is getting the idea that this is okay from his TV show Bones, where Bones is always talking about how "its just sex" and that it is not a big deal and also where girls do come onto him frequently even though he truly loves Bones. I think that this "mistery mistress" (TMZ) gossip and nonsense shows us that either people are looking for a reason to start gossip and try to tanish a reputation and could be a lie. The only reason I wrote this here was because I didn't want to have to sign up to post a comment on TMZ.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire! I love this movie so much, this is one of my favorite movies from when I was a little kid. Yay! I felt like posting more pictures! Plus there all fairly good looking! Bonus! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rotten Tomatoes

So anyway I signed up for the Rotten Tomatoes movie reviewer website, as in I have made an account on there, which by now everyone has probably heard of anyway.
I want to give a shout out to all my peeps on that website. I am operating there under a very mysterious name. It is very mysterious because apparently I have already made an account on there before. Anyway all I can say is that it is a name that sounds French, but is not.
So boy I am tired and in realizing my tiredness which is all it is by the way my reason for getting off, I am getting off. I find that also before I go I do want to mention that I will probably not be doing my homework so late at night and will probably approach it in the morning. I would also like to mention that this clock is off on my posting times. I am posting this at approximately 1:41 A.M. not P.M. and that it is May 2nd in the US of A.

Movies and Magic

I should really rename this blog to be the blog about boys, but I have not been in the process of doing so. I cannot figure out how to follow a blog that you really like and know that name of, but without pressing the next blog button. I found a blog called Fife Family that I really like, but cannot follow. Oh gosh I'm staying up late. Oh well I'll sleep in tomorrow. On the radio there was this guy once talking who said that the greatest advice his mom has ever given him is to get a good nights sleep. I think that that is the best idea I have ever heard because if you get a good nights sleep you are less anxious when you wake up tomorrow.
And now that I've decided to stay up a little longer I may as well say: Okay what is it about facebook? I keep getting these random messages from guys. Well not that there is too many of them, but whatever. Someone some other day posted this random thing on my wall about some berries or something like that. I don't know it was a strange article. One of them that exposes the false inventions of our time or something like that. And while I am talking about random things I may as well mention that I saw We Are Marshall for maybe the first maybe the second time in my life. Such a great movie, very memorable and tragic. It is a very good movie and the main girl actress is fun to look at. Now while I am talking about movies I may as well mention that I watched Pretty in Pink today again. My mom loved that movie so much that she canceled our plans to see a play that was written in the 5th century B.C. in Greece. I love that movie. Too bad though because I wanted to see the play. All of my friends were busy tonight so I couldn't invite someone over. It is really exhausting to not spend as much time with your friends as you would like because it leaves you in a fog I think if you don't spend time with your friends at least a little. I think that I really should show them this blog, but I'm not so sure about that because I think it would just embarrass me.

Celebrities and Men vs. Women

I was thinking suddenly today about celebrities and I find that people everywhere no matter who they are: number one, and this sounds really corney, but have to deal with the pressures and the mixed messages of the media. Is the media really good for us? I am not entirely sure, but I know that when I see a commercial my reaction to it would have to be a good one because I would be watching those commercials a long time, not that I really have to watch TV, but I think that I do enjoy watching television. Anyway my piece on Pride and Prejudice got me thinking about Bride and Prejudice which is annoying because I find Aishwayra Rai kind of annoying, but I guess you've got to love it. I don't know though all that publicity where is it getting people at? What do people really expect from yelling or screaming at celebrities for their attention? That got me thinking about the ice skater from Korea who had more of a similar experience to Aishwayra than a lot of people because the fans just eat up everything either one of these girls through out there which is strange in a way. Why do people go with the flow and accept these people as stars? Well I think that this kind of publicity helps people number one become a part of something. I think that it probably provides relief for some people. It certainitly shows their interest in something and could help I guess identify them as a person and become either more accepting or less accepting, depending or not have anything to do with that. I think that it is one of those unified things that people do just to please others and because others do that. I guess we've known that all along. I don't know why I'm ranting on this.
Second Aspect to My Argument: Men vs. Women
I think that women have the greater advantage in society, I think that generally speaking because women are more tuned into people emotionally and want to please them more than men and that in turn makes men possibly a little more lonely than girls. I also think that that provides the need for men to talk about themselves or to brag in a powerful way about themselves. I think that men focused on power much more than girls do. They tend to be more needy in the end perhaps. I used to think that men and women were fairly much the same except for the physical. I have now learned that women develop their emotional intunement to their parents earlier than guys in their childhood and can recognize the differences between men and women earlier than men. I had psychology last semester and I learned that the young girl can associate a razor with a man and lipstick with a girl earlier than a guy can. I also learned that girls enounciate on the end of their sentence much more than guys do because they want a greater response to them. But does that really make us that much different from each other? Is that why more guys get involved with crimes than girls. Not to be demeaning of guys whatsoever. Why am I telling you this I don't know. They should put that info in Bones. My Literary teacher has had this sibling rivalry with her brother she told me and my peers. She is one of five children I believe and that reminded me that she is constantly comparing herself to others, but mostly to her brother and fighting for her mother's love or something. Anyway whatever, I have to do homework now or sleep. Good night.

Mr. Darcy for President

Yes I know a new president cannot be chosen at the current moment, but we've got to look around at our options.

Stream on Mountain

Another spot on the mountian. This stream is so gorgeous everywhere here is so colorful and vibrant.

Ben Lawers

Here is my brother. He is standing on Ben Lawers.

Scotland Images 3

Here is another spot in Scotland on the Isles of Mull. Ah... I love Scotland!

More Pictures!

I feel like posting more pictures of my trip to Scotland. Unfortunately for all you vegetarians out there or any of you with Alektorophobia-fear of chickens I may post this to my blog. I am not sure about this one so I am saving it as a draft first. Thanks. This is my cousin Will. He got this big obession with the chickens there that wandered freely about the area we were staying so this is his pose anyway. It is actually really funny. :)

Scotland Images 2

This is a picture of a trail on Ben Lawers' mountain.

Mull's Island

This is Fingalls Cave in the Isles of Mull in Scotland! It is very bueatiful there.

Robin Hood Images

Robin Hood! I love this idea. During my trip there in the United Kingdom I also saw some of Scotland and climbed Ben Lawers. If you haven't been keeping up I was in England right across from the white tents where they were filming this movie. I will try to upload an image of that as well. I cannot describe to you how happy I was in the United Kingdom. I really was exceptionally happy.

Kara's Day Plans

Kara is going to do something magnificent today. Something so extrodinary, it is unbelieveable. It is so unbelieveable that its magnificence cannot even be described. Kara has already cleaned up her Crummy Creek, which is the name of her creek by her house. Today is the day of the cleanup. Kara knows that towday is also Mayday in her town. She is going to go to the fair there today and do a lot of exquisite things there. She has already taken a shower, excellent start, and will, "must put all last night's panties in the laundry basket" ~Bridget Jones' Diary. She is about to start homework and then will perhaps persuade her mother to take her to buy cups for a school party. From there she will move to bigger and better plans like baking. She might even invite someone over to go see a movie or something. Excellent Idea. The movie she really cannot wait for is Robin Hood to come out. The exciting thing is that she was actually there, actually there in England and she saw the big white tents where they were filming. She could have actually have talked to the director there, or at least some of the actors. They filmed that movie last summer. It was so fun to hear about what people had to say about that movie while we were waiting for the London train. The trains down there are so smooth and efficent. They were really fun to ride on. Another fun thing was looking at the newspaper stands that they had down there. If you have ever been to London you know what I'm talking about I hope. The newspaper stands have these little shelves that read. Going...Still Going...Gone. ha. Someone told us that they thought Robin Hood was actually Gladiator 2. My brother was a bit skeptical at that. There is no Gladiator 2. That was a fun time.

New Year's Resolution

Kara's Diary~
Kara has decided that she is done with men at least men from her High School. It becomes a problematic thing to always have to deal with their issues and insecurities. Kara also knows that no guy at her school is good enough for her. Kara is moving on with her life. She has now decided after having so many guy reactions and hearing the same things over and over that that kind of annoys her. She wants to hear new things, discover something withstanding that can actually help her believe in something--something good for a change. Something that she doesn't have to work for, something that doesn't make her anxious. Something that doesn't make her sad or unhappy or confused or needy. Something that doesn't make her depressed or too analytical or unthinking, dumbed down if you know what I mean.
She will not form attachments to any of the following:
alcoholics, workaholics, emotional ****wits, or perverts. ~Briget Jone's Diary
She is approaching this year as if it is her new year. She is approaching this as if she hadn't spent countless hours in an emotional wreck. She is moving on. She is not having an emotional breakdown or anything slightly similar. She is not conforming to anyone who makes her unhappy and is instead spending countless hours doing her favorite things.