Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boys and Stuff Like That

Today I noticed some of the guys looking my way at school which is kind of cool and awesome! :) I still haven't quite figured out if I like Haz or not although he is starting to grow on me. It is just so sweet the way he acted today and I didn't feel that much pressure when I was around him today which is always a good sign. But then again there's Shaft, who by the way is kind of annoying and disappointing sometimes. He seemed sort of depressed and maybe lonely today, but I found it kind of funny the way he was looking at me sometimes whenever I looked to him. It was kind of strange a little the way he talks. It is just really funny what topics he decides to bring up which brings me to another topic. Today on Merlin there is something really funny going on on that show. I love that show because it is so cheesy and overly dramatic as to make it worth watching. Mickle, my brother, told me that at the end of some show there is a guy who says: "I wish I could travel to the valley of the dead or something like that, and see what Merlin thinks" and then a pig pops up on sceen and goes: "you can..." So somehow, in some turn of events the guy gets saved by a pig and wahtnot. If you didn't find it that funny, that's because I didn't explain it properly. If you know Merlin, the show, then you know what I'm talking about. Very funny show. It reminds me oddly again of this movie I saw in middle school of Spanish class. Of course it was supposed to be watched in Spanish, but we couldn't get the TV working and instead just watched it in English with French subtitles. It had to do with a boy who loves reading to himself and goes into this storybook to save the kingdom and meets this slimy dragon, which is supposed to be a dragon, but ends up actually looking like a slimy lizard/dog. I will try to post a picture for you of what I mean it is actually a very good movie because like Merlin it is so corney and ridiculus that you cannot help watching it.
But you know, Kara "must confess that she is not in love with [Haz] she had thought thought of him except at the reference that Harriot made of him yesturday: ~Emma

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