Friday, May 7, 2010

27 Dresses

27 Dresses is a great movie. I will reminise of Katharine Heigel! She is a good actress who just lights up the screen you know. ;)
Favorite Quotes: "Me, I was eight when I discovered my purpose in life. I was at my cousins wedding". "Oh how very refreshing, a man who doesn't believe in marriage". "It's okay. We have cable"~Not necessarily from Katharine, from the posed "young Katharine" in the movie. "We are not going to hydroplane...Ah we're hydroplanieng". "And in the fridge there are strawberry Pop Tarts! jinx!"
The only disapointing part of that movie is the selfish sister.
Favorite Quotes:
"I know what you mean everytime I go hiking I have to bring my vegetarian beef-jurkey". or something like that.
Favorite Quotes:
"So you admit to me that believing in marriage is sort of like believing in Santa Clause".
"So now it's about making money".
Favorite part of that movie: "Benny and The Jets"~Elton John and right after Tess meets the one who she has been in love with all this time and she screams Mother **** during a 50th birthday or something like that.

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