Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kara's Day Plans

Kara is going to do something magnificent today. Something so extrodinary, it is unbelieveable. It is so unbelieveable that its magnificence cannot even be described. Kara has already cleaned up her Crummy Creek, which is the name of her creek by her house. Today is the day of the cleanup. Kara knows that towday is also Mayday in her town. She is going to go to the fair there today and do a lot of exquisite things there. She has already taken a shower, excellent start, and will, "must put all last night's panties in the laundry basket" ~Bridget Jones' Diary. She is about to start homework and then will perhaps persuade her mother to take her to buy cups for a school party. From there she will move to bigger and better plans like baking. She might even invite someone over to go see a movie or something. Excellent Idea. The movie she really cannot wait for is Robin Hood to come out. The exciting thing is that she was actually there, actually there in England and she saw the big white tents where they were filming. She could have actually have talked to the director there, or at least some of the actors. They filmed that movie last summer. It was so fun to hear about what people had to say about that movie while we were waiting for the London train. The trains down there are so smooth and efficent. They were really fun to ride on. Another fun thing was looking at the newspaper stands that they had down there. If you have ever been to London you know what I'm talking about I hope. The newspaper stands have these little shelves that read. Going...Still Going...Gone. ha. Someone told us that they thought Robin Hood was actually Gladiator 2. My brother was a bit skeptical at that. There is no Gladiator 2. That was a fun time.

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